영문서식 > 기타 격려 및 애도편지1(영문)
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격려 및 애도 편지1 영문양식 예제입니다.

Dear Mr. Mon

I just now heard about the accident.
It was such a relief to learn that you came out of it with relatively minor damage even though your car was completely totaled. (I know you could argue with me about that "minor" bit.) You´ll have to tell me all about how it happened when we see each other next.
I recently read a fascinating book about artificial intelligence and expert systems. Knowing your interest in this area, I´m sending my copy to you under separate cover. Please ignore my comments in the margins. Or if you can´t ignore them, tell me what you think of them and the subject when you finish. I want the book back in time, but there´s no rush at all on it.


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